Author: Valerie

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My Affordable Washday Routine with Megagrowth

My Affordable Washday Routine with Megagrowth

A queen never jokes with her crown, and she indeed never handles it carelessly; why should you? Your hair is your crown, and it deserves tender love and care. You should know that your hair has a lot of impact on your appearance. You could step out looking like icing on the cake, but if...

My Bodycare Routine for Glowy Skin

My Bodycare Routine for Glowy Skin

Body care is one step in skincare routines that is usually overlooked. Skincare doesn’t start and end with just a face routine. Our skin is the biggest organ in our bodies, it houses and protects and needs to be nurtured day in day out. There are two aspects of skincare we should work on; the...

My Go-To Simple + Elegant Manicure

My Go-To Simple + Elegant Manicure

I love all things manicure! A good mani is one way I love to practice grooming and self care. I have also gone from wanting long artsy nails, to only doing neutrals because my Nigerian father wasn’t having my colored claws 😂. In 2019, I decided I was going to stay off aclyric nails for...

The Beginner’s Guide to Decluttering and Living Clutter Free

The Beginner’s Guide to Decluttering and Living Clutter Free

I didn’t even realise that one of the reasons I felt so overwhelmed was clutter!. It wasn’t so easy to start because I felt attached to most of my things, but the moment I took the first leap, it became easier.I decided to create the beginner’s guide to decluttering for anyone who is looking to...

5 Applications That Changed My Life: Selfcare Edition

5 Applications That Changed My Life: Selfcare Edition

I am always very thankful for the little things in life like, kind gestures from friends or finding tools that make life easier. In this case, finding apps that make it easy for me to practice self-care. These aren’t necessarily created as self-care apps, but they help. Living in Lagos, Nigeria requires so much energy...

How to Get Started With Journaling + Journaling Styles

How to Get Started With Journaling + Journaling Styles

I was having a random conversation with someone, and the topic of journaling came up. In her words, “I want to journal but I don’t know how to start”. I decided to create this post to explain “how to get started with journaling”. My conversation with her eventually made me realize that some people think that...

How To Create  Good Quality Photo Content

How To Create Good Quality Photo Content

One thing that has helped me grow my social media page is creating good quality photo content and curating my feed in such a way that is appealing to my audience. I think it’s nice to make your feed look appealing because a well-organized feed will easily sway profile visitors to followers. There is a...

Why You Should Make Selfcare A Habit + A #SelfcareChallenge

Why You Should Make Selfcare A Habit + A #SelfcareChallenge

I used to think self-care involved just having a morning and nighttime skincare routine, having 8-hour sleep, working out, eating healthy, and drinking lots of water. I was fine with this routine and in fact, I felt I was living the good life till I did a research on self-care and realized self-care involved more...