How to deal with job search depression

How to deal with job search depression

Have you noticed that people are quick to lecture you on how to tailor your resume for that job you desire, or on how to effectively maximize the tools at your fingertips to land that high paying job? One thing they neglect to address is the pressure that job seekers are under and the anxiety that this creates. How to deal with job search depression is an often overlooked topic that people face at some point.

You might be wondering why exactly you’re feeling this way. Here’s why:

You are dealing with

  • The constant uncertainty of not knowing when the job search will end.
  • The impression of insignificance arising from a lack of replies to your many applications sent out.
  • The overwhelming ratio of rejection letters to positive responses.
  • The responsibility of managing personal finances after your main source of revenue is gone.
  • The difficult need to deal with these feelings while still appearing upbeat in interviews and while networking.
  • The realization that you might be depressed and not knowing how to manage the depression.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, or you’re looking to switch jobs, you might find yourself experiencing these negative feelings with no idea how to deal with them.

I have a list of practical ways you can handle job search depression.

Develop a plan for the next year.

You have to create a tentative plan for the coming year. Set goals and include a plan to achieve your goals. This plan is to serve as a guide for all the actions you’re going to take in order to actualize your plans.

Try not to plan every little thing. 2020 taught us that plans change. Be sure to leave room for unpredictable outcomes!

Ask yourself, what do you want to do? What type of job would you like to have? Then go out and explore those opportunities.

Don’t compare yourself to others.

It’s possible that you’ve seen your classmates move ahead, buy new cars, and receive job offers from amazing companies and you’ve begun the “comparison game.”

Comparison is so dangerous because it leads to jealousy and “why me” syndrome. It also hinders you from focusing on what’s in front of you and doing the work you need to do.

You don’t have to keep up with Temi making N500k right out of college.

Your path to success is unique, and your timeline is different, so stop the comparisons!

Reduce your involvement in social media.

Social media is great but we all know it can be a toxic place.

Seeing others’ successes can make you feel less than. Sure, you may be happy for them, but you may also feel like you are falling behind or missing out.

Take a break from social media to clear your head and repair your relationship with yourself. Only return to social media when you are ready. You’ll know you’re ready once you can see others succeed and feel nothing but absolute joy for their accomplishments. Envy will be a thing of the past.

Tweak your expectations.

Know that you DO NOT have to have it all figured out. This is usually the hardest thing to grasp because, in reality, it looks like everyone does have it all together.

Depression, most times, stems from not being realistic with ourselves, which might have a lot to do with believing that our degrees would open doors. Yes, it does open doors but it isn’t instantaneous.

We are conditioned to believe that we should have everything figured out immediately but sometimes it takes longer, and that is perfectly ok.

Speak positively to and about yourself.

Negative self-talk can hinder you from moving forward.

How can you move forward if you are constantly focusing on everything that went wrong in the past and everything that you did not do?

Power your future by telling yourself that you are not a failure and realizing that you are a success.

Remind yourself of your biggest successes. You made it then, you’ll surely make it again.

Revamp your resume and tackle your career.

Before you begin your job hunt, make sure your resume is up to par! Know what you have to offer and present yourself.

Send emails, attend networking events, while also reconnecting with past employers and people in the industry you already know.

It’s a good idea to look on LinkedIn and Indeed to find job descriptions for positions that you would want to have later down the line.

Develop those skills now so that you’ll be an even better candidate when the time comes to move from your entry-level position.

Once you’ve secured a position, have the same descriptions in mind as you begin to complete your duties so you can get the most out of your new job.

Develop a budget.

It is very important to manage your money. We’re all guilty of eating out before we put money in our savings account, but it’s sure to catch up with you when you’re forced to spread out a little amount of money later down the road.

Start a budget worksheet or download an app like gomoney that lets you track your expenses seamlessly. Inflow also helps you connect multiple bank accounts at once.

Generate supporting income from a side hustle.

Use your skills to gain extra income through a side business while you’re still developing your career so that it can also grow with you!

You could create websites, or anything in between to save money or have more money to put towards travelling, I mean bills.

Enjoy yourself!

Take the time to do something you haven’t had time to do because of other responsibilities.

Travel, become a fitness instructor, go wine tasting, or anything simple you’ve always wanted to do but put off. Now is a good time to start new things and have fun. My video on simple things to feel rich has some amazing ideas for you.

Life without a job isn’t easy. It’s a completely new chapter of your life that may take some time to get used to. Just know that you are not alone and you are not defined by this time in your life.

Remember: You are already a success.

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